After immersing myself within a few of Bliss' novellas I wanted to test Harper and read one of her full novels, and I must admit I was not disappointed. When looking through Harper's other books this one peaked my interest, hence my reasoning for choosing it.
Within the narrative I loved the way one of the characters had a big secret that is effecting her ability to emotionally connect and form a relationship with someone. This is something that all readers can connect and relate to - as most people have 'skeletons' in their closets or things they wish to keep to themselves.
However, what I did really like was that we were not told this straight away; normally authors have a tendency to inform the reader of the hidden secrets or twists prior to the other characters finding out. Instead we were kept guessing like all the characters within the novel, which made me feel like I was part of it, that I had to pay attention and try and find out why one of the characters is struggling with her emotions and feelings as much as she was. It certainly made it a more intense read.
I did connect with the characters and really enjoyed the way they developed throughout the novel. It really showed the growth that they experienced together, which was enjoyable to read.
Looking back on my journey with this book I could not find any fault with it. I enjoyed it very much and feel that I got a lot from it. Which is why I gave it 5 stars.
I am most certainly looking forward to reading more of Harper's novels very soon.