I was approached by Tajammul to review this book, An Ode To Life, which is his first collection - and it's a good start.
For me, when I read collections I always look for ways that it is unique and different and says something that hasn't already been said by other writers. Unfortunately, this collection did not really do this for me.
For me context and the narrative of the pieces within a collection of poetry needs to have a unique and almost personal element to it, otherwise what does it offer? Being different and unique is what sets us apart from others with our field.
However, there were elements within this book that I did like. For instance, the use of repetition and rhyming schemes/patterns allowed the poems flow nicely, which made it very easy to read.
I awarded this book three out of five stars purely for the way the book flowed. Content wise I think it could have used more development to obtain the 'hook'' necessary to draw people in to read it.
Food for thought for book 2 perhaps...