After reading the Gold from the Stone by Lemn Sissay I believe that I have gotten to know this poet extremely well.
This is the first body of work I have read of Mr Sissay, ad I like it - very much.
By pulling poems from all of his other collections this book shows the poets skill with words and verse.
Throughout there is a Mancunian tone, especially when the pieces looks back at his youth or on the places he has called home.
Much of the collection is autobiographical in nature with Sissay focusing on his childhood, family, political and sociological views, etc.
My favourite poem of this collection is 'Remember How We Forgot' - especially the following lines:
We have arrived at the multi-dimensional war
where diplomats chew it up and spew it up,
and we stand like orphans with empty cups."
This book has a rhythm all on its own and it has not been constricted by the use of poetical form. Sissay definitely has his own unique style.
I gave this collection five-out-of-five stars because it left me wanting more. I shall be keeping an eye out for more of Lemn Sissay's work. A poet to consume and enjoy...