Within the narrative of Seasons of Love (a novel), Bliss explores the creation of a relationship between an older and a younger woman. But not only this, she also cleverly weaves in the family/friendship scenario too.
Her writing style helps this book to flow in a natural and superfluous way. It's easy to read nature means that the reader can just immerse themselves into the scenes being laid out before them.
There was use of gentle humour and Bliss was able to bring together two very contrasting characters in a natural and believable way.
I did like the main character and saw a lot of myself and my journey in her, which made me like the book even more. It was interesting to see the transformation in her after allowing her to be 'her true self'.
The reasoning for the 4 stars instead of 5 is the predictability - I was able to discern the course the story was taking, but this all added to the easy to read element. Even though some parts were a little predictable it was still very enjoyable to read.
Personally, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to have an enjoyable read.