This collection by Raymond Antrobus is a great follow-on from his previous collection 'The Perseverance'. Thus, it is not surprising that this collection has also received high praise and solid reviews.
Antrobus provides us with a deeper insight into his family, roots and memories in this collection. Through a variety of styles, form and content Antrobus clearly shows us in more detail memoirs, recollections and musings form his past and family's past.
Unlike Antrobus' first collection this collection has no title poem, instead the theme of 'All the Names Given' runs throughout each and every poem included within this book, which strings them all together seemlessly.
Therefore it's clear that this collection gets a solid five stars ***** as it evokes emotions from the content of each and every verse, as well as a sense of knowing the poet more personally. It's a great read and I would recommend this to anyone who has a passion for poetry and verse.