This Foreign Affair is the 4th novel within the Pink Bean series and it certainly rose to the expectations laid out by it's predecessors.
Within the narrative of this novel Bliss cleverly links the Pink Bean and French Kissing series' together with the formation of a relationship between Zoya and Camille.
What is evident from the outset is that Harper is using this association between the two serials to explore the dynamic of a 'long distance' relationship - but this is done to the extreme.
By merging the Australian and French cultures in this novel posed an element of risk of alienating one culture from the other and by having one appear more dominant over the other.
However, Harper has managed to eluded this in such a masterful way by featuring the story within both countries. Yes, this story is told in the voice of Zoya, but we do seem to get both sides of the story.
Personally, the story was nostalgic - bringing back memories of times travelling to see the person I love. It brought a tear to my eye in places where I strongly resonated with the characters and the tribulations that they faced.
Much like in Harper's previous novels within the Pink Bean series I gave this a whopping five out of five stars because of how much this struck a chord with me. Loved every word and chapter of this book.
Check it out, but make sure that you have read the previous books within this series beforehand in order to have the right amount of context to the narrative.
Definitely looking forward to seeing what direction the Pink Bean series goes next. Watch this space folks...